These you can count on--they are (almost) always like this
There are many times it is very hard to guess how to pronounce a word in French based on its spelling. In Part 2 we will look at some of these challenging ones. But in this article, I want to show you many French spellings that will ALMOST always have that sound. Of course there are aways exceptions and I have noted some of them in this article.
Most of these sounds come from vowels. Vowels are the foundation of French so we need to become very familiar with how to pronounce them.
The spelling “i” [i] ALMOST always has the sound as in ski: il, finit, midi, ski. These are cases where the “i” stands alone. Note: when the”i” is attached to a nasal consonant it becomes the nasal vowel [ɛ̃] as in “vingt” or “voisin” or “pain” (for more on nasal vowels see my blog on this subject. ( The letter “i” is also different when attached to other vowels as in j'ai or ill (see below)
An “e” with the“accent aigu” (´) is always pronounced [e] as in café. Or allée, parlé, évident, télé
The vowel “e” with an “accent grave (`) or an “accent circonflex” (ˆ)is always pronounced [ɛ] as in chèvre, père, pêche.
The vowel ”e” followed by a pronounced consonant is also said like the above examples: telle, cette, elle. But the letter “e” can also be a “mute e” as in je, que, le, venir. So the letter”e” without an accent can have several pronunciations.
The spelling ”a” is almost always pronounced [a] as in la, classe, absent, salle. Sometimes it has a more open sound, as in “pas” or “cas”. Note: when followed by an “n” or an “m”, the “a” forms a nasal vowel as in France.
The spelling oi” is always pronounced “wah” as in moi, voilà, la foi
The spelling “au” (plus ô, ose and osse) are always pronounced [o] as in chose, grosse, autre, faute, drôle.
All other spellings of “o” in French are pronounced with the “open o” [ɔ] as in comment, école, professeur. This sound is similar to the English sound in “autumn”
The spelling “ou” is always pronounced [u] as in vous, toute, où, pouvez
Th spelling “u” in French (when it is a stand-alone vowel) is always the sharp “u” sound [y] as in tu, voulu, j'ai lu, utile, uni, This sound is hard for many English speakers. It is little bit like the sound at the end of the English word “few”. Note: when combined with other letters, the “u” makes other sounds as in the combination “ou” which is pronounced [u] as in vous. Or when followed by a nasal consonant, it becomes the nasal vowel [ɛ̃] as in vingt.
The spelling “il” or “ille” is pronounced [j] as in Versailles, Marseille, fouiller, travail, merveilleux. This sound is what is called a semi-vowel and has the sound like the English “y” as in “yes” or “yellow”. Note: in other contexts,”il” can be said [il] as in il or tranquil
The spelling “qu” is always pronounced “k” as in que, quel, attaque, qualité
one “s” between vowels is pronounced like a “z”: chose, choisi, saisi. tisane
Two s's between vowels is pronounced like “s”: choisisse finissent, possible
a “c” or a “g” followed by an “i” or an “e” is “soft”: as in: gîte, gèle, mangeons, général
or: ceci, cette, célébrer, ici
Followed by an “a”, “o” or “u”, these consonants are “hard” as in: gare, gouter, guide
or: catastrophe, couter, cuisine
the spelling “gn: is always pronounced “ny” as in: signe, agneau
The spelling “eu” varies a lot. If it is in an open syllable, that is, a syllable that ends in a vowel sound, it is pronounced [ɸ] a in deux, il peut, il veut
If the “eu” is followed by a pronounced consonant, it is pronounced [œ] as in soeur, peur, heure, jeune, seul, ils peuvent
Of course, most readers will already know that most final consonants are not pronounced, with the exception of c,r, f,and l, the consonants in the English word “careful”. : donc, mer, bref, mal. But even this rule has exceptions: for example the "f" in cerf is not pronounced.
The spelling -tion or -sion is pronounced [sjɔ̃] as in “nation” “conversation” “tension”
I have probably missed some other “almost always like this” spellings, so I invite you to send me an email with your suggestions.