5 Sessions w/ Geri (15% off the regular price)


5 Sessions w/ Geri (15% off the regular price)


5 Forty to Fifty minute sessions of personalized tutoring in French pronunciation are available via Zoom.

Everyone is welcome to the private sessions—for a quick check-up or for an on-going class in French pronunciation. “Both the students and I enjoy these lessons a lot and we both have a good time!”

“Geri Metz's private lessons are the best language instruction I have ever had. Nobody teaches French the way she does. Good pronunciation is the hardest part, and most teachings offer little or no help for this. Geri is different. With one-on-one instruction she can see and hear what I am doing wrong and correct it.s To improve and enjoy your French, I strongly recommend taking private lessons with Geri.” -Laura D. New York

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 In these one on one lessons I can help you to develop an authentic French accent at an accelerated rate, personalized just for you. These lessons are a perfect companion to my course Mastering French Pronunciation but can also be very helpful to all who wish to gain a more authentic accent and speak better French! Merci!

 These few minutes with Geri on Zoom can point you in the right direction and make a big difference in how you pronounce French. The one on one sessions are a perfect companion to my course, Mastering French Pronunciation, but are open to anyone at any level.

If you are a beginner, this is a great place to start, or if you are more advanced, you can “finesse your French” to sound more like a native.